• Families / Executives / Small Business owners / Athletes
  • Investable Assets > $800K
  • Age 35-80
  • Career / Family / Cause Focused (desire to outsource financial management / planning expertise due to time, energy, and competency constraints)


Major Wirehouses

Their Advantages: Economies of Scale, Marketing Budget

Our Advantages: Reputation, Objectivity, Broad Client Focus, Value relationships beyond their profit margin, Simplified Client Communication, Workable Technology Tools, Non-Corporate Policy Management Style

On Par topics: Platforms, Stability, Product/Service Offerings

Regional Investment Firms

Their Advantages: Economies of Scale, Marketing Budgets

Our Advantages: Not solely Mutual Fund/Annuity Focused, Reputation, We’re not buyout candidates by the Major Firms,  Broad Client Focus, Value relationships beyond their profit margin, Simplified Client Communication, Workable Technology Tools, Non-Corporate Policy Management Style

On Par topics: Platforms, Stability, Product/Service Offerings

Other Local RIA Firms

Their Advantages: If large enough – may have economies of scale

Our Advantages: Not solely Mutual Fund/Annuity Focused

On Par topics: Platforms, Stability, Product/Service Offerings, Open Architecture, Relationship Focus, Non-Corporate Policy Management Style

No Load Fund Families

Their Advantages:  Cost Advantage, No information buffer(could be a negative too), Marketing Budgets/message, Easily understandable technology tools

Our Advantages:  Product Offerings, Proactive advice & counsel, a trusted / experienced contact for all financial questions, relationship with someone that knows you personally, No need for clients to spend hours researching financial topics or investments, Behavioral Finance Knowledge, Objectivity

On Par topics: Mutual Fund Research, Stability

On-line Trading Websites

Their Advantages:  Cost Advantage, No information buffer, Marketing Budgets / message, Easily understandable technology tools

Our Advantages:  Proactive advice & counsel, a trusted/experienced contact for all financial questions, relationship with someone that know the client personally, No need for clients to spend hours researching financial topics or investments, Behavioral Finance Knowledge, Objectivity

On Par topics: Platform

Bank Advisors

Their Advantages: Cross Selling, Community locations

Our Advantages:Advisor/Client interests are aligned, no hand-off between a teller and advisor, Not solely Mutual fund/Annuity Focused, Product Offerings, Proactive advice & counsel, a trusted / experienced contact for all financial questions, relationship with someone that knows client personally, Reputation, Objectivity, Value relationships beyond their profit margin, Simplified Client Communication, Workable Technology Tools, Non-Corporate Policy Management Style

On Par topics: None



(we promise we won’t hard sell you!)

If you can simply get us copies of your statements, we can take it from there.  We will be happy to produce a very comprehensive report, free of charge, that will show you your portfolio from every conceivable angle. Call us today to schedule your free portfolio review (443) 470-8000.

We will be able to answer questions like:

• What is my geographic exposure?

• Are my managers really adding value?

• What is the overall dividend/interest yield that my investments are generating?

• What am I actually paying for advice?

• What is my overall risk position?

• How much money do I have in Small Companies? Medium? Large?

• What sectors am I most exposed to?

• Am I over-concentrated in any single stock or bond?

• Can I simplify the number of holdings I have without taking on more risk?

• Am I diversified?  Am I too diversified?

• Am I measuring my performance against the correct benchmark?

• What are the ratings of my fixed income holdings? How much experience do my managers have?

We’ve included a sample report below (Click here to view full report) but please call us if you have any questions.