Darby Simmons, CFP®
Very interesting times we live in!
The historic election results we are witnessing are truly eye opening. How much actual impact they have on investments, if any, only time will tell.
As the historic investor Benjamin Graham said, “In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine”.
I have not been very vocal on this lately for two reasons:
1. Everything up until now was pure speculation (and ultimately wrong!)
2. I have spent most of my time lately trying prepare everyone’s portfolio to absorb whatever occurs.
At the end of the day, it all comes down to profits and interest rates, so this is what I concentrate on. I do my best to filter out as much daily noise as possible to try and glean pieces of useful information that I believe will give you an investing advantage over the longer term.
Remember, the stock and bond markets are complex, adaptive, systems with participants making decisions for all sorts of reasons. That makes it especially hard for any single narrative to come to fruition.
My hope is that this change results in better economic growth, but we’ll just have to watch and see.
One thing won’t change however, my responsibility to you. I will continue to do as much research as possible as conditions change and use that knowledge to construct the most perfectly balanced portfolio of risk and return I can.
Thank you for your continued trust and confidence.
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